Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My San Francisco Diary- by Marty Richardson

(Writer's note. My good friend and team captain Marty is in San Francisco this week, and it reminded me of the article I posted a couple of years ago featuring his "diary" from his trip. You new guys to Dawg Nation might get a yuck out of it. )

Monday, June 30th

Dear Diary,

Just flew in for another convention of the Financial Advisors Guild. Boy, are my wings tired! (I am such a hoot sometimes). I never miss a FAG convention. We don't start until tomorrow, so that gave me a chance to do a little shopping while I had some time. Now, Diary, you know what my favorite place in town is, don't you?

I hope I can sleep tonight. They have so many fun activities planned for the week, I'm just all a tingle! Talk to you tomorrow.

Love, Marty

Tuesday, July 1st

Dear Diary,

What a first day! It was so nice to see all my FAG friends again. It was such a pretty day here in San Francisco, we decided to get out and walk around during a break in the convention. It was a little embarrassing, though. We were all wearing the same uniform.

Not that many people stared. The folks in this city are so nice!

At lunch, I decided to go to a hair stylist to change things up a little bit. I'm not sure if this is my look, though.

I might try something else tomorrow.

The only bad thing that happened today was when I tripped on my shoelace and fell down in the street.

I scraped my knee, dammit! I hope that doesn't mess up the rest of the activities I had planned. My knees are really important for those.

Oh well, must get some sleep. See you tomorrow.

Kisses, Marty

Wednesday, July 2nd

Dear Diary,

I had the best day today! It was so beautiful again this morning, that my buddies and I just had to get out for a ride.

Then today during the convention, my friends elected me again to be the FAG Man of the Year. I have no idea how I won for the third straight year- just look at the competition that I was up against.

During lunch today, I did get a chance to meet with a new image consultant, and he gave me a complete makeover.

That didn't go as well as I had hoped. I'll be looking for a new consultant tomorrow.

Before the end of the day, I was able to visit my favorite statue in the city. I never miss it when I'm in town. Last time here, they had to pull me off of it.

Big day tomorrow, Diary. Talk to you then.

XOXO, Marty

Thursday, July 3rd

Dear Diary,

Sorry I'm so late tonight, but I've been pretty tied up with my friends.

Last day in Frisco! This has gone so fast, I can't believe it. Fortunately, I was able to cram a lot of activities in today, if you know what I mean (you do know, don't you, Diary).

First, we got to hear from the Keynote Speaker, and it was another dream come true. It was none other than my hero, George Takei from Star Trek. He was so gracious- everyone got to take a picture with him. I can't put my finger on it, but he looked a little bit different in person.

Before the end of the convention, I was given one more award. This was just so unexpected, and it was published in the local press. Is this the best week ever or what? The guy on my right is really happy that I won.

Later on, they gave the whole convention tickets to the circus. While I was there, though, something really bad happened. I was eating some popcorn, and I started to choke on a kernel. Thank God, one of the employees was able to give me the Heimlich, and even a little bit of a bonus.

I'm flying back tomorrow morning, so I'll be able to watch fireworks tomorrow night. There's nothing like looking at a big, Roman candle right before it explodes. Oh, look, I'm tingling again. I'm so patriotic!

Love you lots, Marty

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